Aloha Kākou, welcome to the Fall 2012 issue of HānaiʻAi, the sustainable agriculture newsletter of the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources.
Finally, make sure to visit the "back pages" of the newsletter as well, which features Publications & Programs, upcoming Workshops, Conferences and Meetings, the Organic Update and upcoming WSARE funding deadlines.
We hope you find this issue of HānaiʻAi useful, and welcome your input.
Growing Your Business
By Dr. Linda J. Cox
People often get into farming because they enjoy working on the land. Farmers also need to make a profit. If you want to start farming, this article has some suggestions for how to start developing your business plan immediately.
FMI: Linda Cox,
CTAHR Sustainable & Organic Research News
News from Hawaii's researchers & extension professionals
Growing Farmers in the Northeast
Steven Chiang,
A growing number of people in Hawai'i are interested in starting a farm. This past July, thirteen people including members of UH CTAHR, the UH Agribusiness Incubator Program, UH Maui College, UH Hilo, Windward Community College, the Kohala Center's Center for Agricultural Success, and Kamehameha Schools toured beginning farmer programs in the Northeast U.S. This article summarizes the programs that were visited and what was learned by participants.
The 4-R's of Nutrient Management
Adequate soil fertility is an essential ingredient to any farming operation. Many producers have found that a Nutrient Management plan can be a cost effective way of providing adequate plant nutrients without harming the environment. This article describes the four components of a nutrient management plan.
Prepare for the Rainy Season - Simple Steps to Reduce the Risk of Soil Erosion
Susan Kubo, email:, USDA NRCS Pacific Island Area Jean Brokish, email:,Oahu RC&D
Winter storms often bring heavy rainfall that creates runoff, damaging production areas by causing erosion and polluting streams. Farmers and land managers can minimize risks of erosion by taking precautions now. This article explains how to reduce soil erosion in a variety of agricultural settings.
Release Secusio: Transitioning to a Biocontrol Management Program for Fireweed (Senecio madagasceriensis) on Maui
Since 2010, Maui County sponsored the Fireweed Management Prescription (FMP) Program and with the program coming to an end, the herbicide that is used as a temporary fix will be too costly for ranchers to use regularly. The Hawaii Department of Agriculture (HDOA) is seeking federal approval to release the defoliating biocontrol agentSecusio extensa in 2013 as part of a sustainable fireweed management program. This article discusses the proposed program.
Publications & Programs
for sustainable and organic production systems
Available on-line from CTAHR'sPublication and Information Central.
Invasive Aphids in Hawai'i: Invasive Aphids in Hawai'i describes over 100 alien species of aphids that can be serious pests of agricultural and native plants in Hawai'i. The book's 266 pages provide keys to aphid characteristics and list their island distributions, the plant diseases they vector, and their host plants. Hundreds of color photographs of both live and slide-mounted aphids further enable identification of these pests.$20 from CTAHR Office of Communication Services, phone: (808) 956-7036,
Other Publications from CTAHR
Developing Sustainable Pest Control Practices Against Major Pests in Papaya in Hawai'i: The papaya industry makes an economic contribution to the State's agricultural sector. White peach scale (Pseudaulacaspis pentagona), papaya mealybug (Paracoccus marginatus), papaya thrips (Thrips parvispinus) and mites are major pre-harvest papaya pests that can significantly affect tree health, reduce yields and increase production costs for farmers. This poster presents the results of research that evaluated the effectiveness and environmental impact of various management strategies designed to target all of these papaya pests.
New from Hawai'i Community College, Center for Agricultural Success and PAR
Organic Update
has updated the audit checklists and Sunset dates sections of the NOP Handbook.
New Publication on GMO Contamination Prevention
The University of Minnesota Southwest Research and Outreach Center has released a newly revised and expanded publication,GMO Contamination Prevention - What Does It Take? The publication describes best management practices for growers of GMO and non-GMO crops, including certified organic crops, to help minimize GMO contamination of non-GMO crops.
Recently Published eOrganic Articles and Videos
eOrganic Resources
Are you a beginning farmer or rancher? Or have you worked on a project funded by the Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Development Program? USDA would like to learn how we can better support training, education, outreach, and technical assistance initiatives for beginning farmers or ranchers. Please provide feedback by sending written comments to: email:, Fax: 202-401-1782
Risk Management Agency Organic Crops Spotlight available at
USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service 2011 Certified Organic Production Survey (October 2012) available at: http://sustainableagriculture.
Workshops | Conferences | Meetings
October 11, 2012, Windward Community College
Register your name by Oct. 11, 2012 at View flier here.
"Know Your Farmer, Know Your Fish" UH Food DayProgram
11:00-1:00 pm October 24, 2012. UH Manoa Campus Center Dining Room.Link here for full announcement.
International Sandalwood Symposium 2012,21-24 October 2012, East-West Center, University of Hawaii Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii,Link here to Conference Website.
10th Annual West Hawaii Community Seed Exchange
3-5 p.m., Friday November 2
Amy Greenwell Ethnobotanical Garden, Captain Cook Share seeds, ideas, and get to know your community of "seed" people.
Seed Production Basic Workshop for Farmers and Gardeners
Nov 3 & 4th, 2012, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Amy Greenwell Ethnobotanical Garden, Captain Cook. View flier here. Link here FMI and to view the workshop agendas and download registration and scholarship forms Contact: Lyn Howe, Workshop Coordinator, email:
Hawaii Sheep and Goat Association 2012 Annual Workshop,
November 9 and 10, Kahua Ranch
Focus: Grazing management for Healthy and Productive Pastures & Animal and Herd Health Management.
"Growing Koa in Hawai'i Nei" Symposium 2012, November 16-17 2012, Kilauea Military Camp (KMC), 'Ohi'a Room, Volcano, Hawai'i and Keauhou Ranch, Ka'u, HI.Link here to Conference Website.
Punalu'u Ahupua'a Farms Open for Business
More than 200 acres of agricultural lands are being prepared by Kamehameha Schools for a new agricultural park, Punalu'u Ahupua'a Farms. The trust seeks to increase agricultural productivity in Ko'olau Loa by partnering with knowledgeable farmers and making land available for local food production. For more information, contact Kāwika Burgess at 534-8189 .
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